There was no time for a rest after the Incline Climb so the next day I got the bus up to Boulder for another roasting day up there. I will go back on what I said in previous posts that the famous Mesa Trail up there is overrated. It isn't. Well the start of it is but the rest really is pretty amazing. In all fairness I had only previously run the first 4 miles or so of the trail but this time I went along it much further and beyond mile 4 it really does get fun. I was running North to South so from the Chautauqua Park parking area. I left late in the day at 11am and it was already pretty hot. I was hoping to avoid a scenario like before when myself and Angie ran out of water going up Green Mountain but I didn't. I got hit hard again with the heat.
South Boulder Peak on the right |
So I ran along Mesa for a while then took Shadow Canyon trail up towards the junction for South Boulder Peak(8549ft) and Bear Peak(8481ft). Heading up the canyon it really started to heat up and I found myself kind of struggling with the steepness and roughness of the terrain. I think the trail was damaged by the floods last year so it was a complete mess and a bit of a battle up to the junction.
Feeling the heat and just getting out of Shadow Canyon |
Anyway I arrived at the junction and it wasn't a long way to the summit of South Boulder Peak. I somehow had the highest peak in Boulder to myself and sat there a while enjoying the light breeze and peace and quit. I then descended back down to the junction and went up Bear Peak. Again sat for a few minutes and headed down.
Summit South Boulder Peak |
The Junction at top of Shadow Canyon |
My plan was to run down Fern Canyon as it was a more direct way back to the start however I noticed another trail heading into Bear Canyon where I had been before with Angie and was having too much fun to cut my day short so I went for the longer way down. I ran along a brilliant Bear Peak West Ridge trail until it joined Bear Canyon and followed this back down to the Mesa Trail and back to the start.
Bear Peak Summit - Boulder below |
Bear Canyon was roasting hot. I had run out of water yet again on the summit of the first peak but thought I would be okay. I still managed a good pace down the trail but I was pretty dehydrated again and was straight into the shop at the car park for some ice cold coke to perk me up a bit. In total it was only 15 miles(24km) but the temperature was in the 90's all day so it goes down as yet another bonk run and hopefully my last one of the summer.
Looking South West from South Boulder Peak |
Looking to Bear Canyon. The ridge trail I took
is just visible on the broad left hand ridge. I followed that for a mile or two
and then cut lookers right into the canyon and back out down to the bottom
right hand corner of the picture. |
Then on Tuesday myself and Anna set off super early to go and run Mt Falcon on the foothills of Morrison just outside of Denver. I wanted an early start to avoid the heat and it was only going to be a quick morning cool down run anyway. Mt Falcon lies at 7851ft. It isn't exactly a demanding run up as the elevation gain is not super high but what I liked about it was the trail up and down had a mix of everything , small sections of steep , short technical sections , nice flat rolling terrain and everything was runnable all the way.
Heading up Mt Falcon |
The viewing platform on Falcon. |
I was worried that I would feel a bit sluggish that morning but as it turned out I felt really strong and powered up it feeling great the whole way and Anna was not far off either. After that it was time to chill most of Tuesday afternoon as I then went on a small running group 5k that evening. It was at the local running store and it's just a little group meet for a 5k then pizza afterwards so I went along. I actually really enjoyed it. It was just a 5k on a cycle path but my legs felt great even after the mornings 13k at Mt Falcon. I just cruised the first half with Anna and Kim but on the return half some of the guys started to pull away and I couldn't really let them go on their own so thought I best tag along with the front pack. They were pushing hard and cracking out sub 6 min mile pace but surprisingly I was up the front having no trouble whatsoever. These guys were strong marathoners and they were breathing hard but I was breathing normal and honestly felt like I was cruising. This high altitude stuff the past few weeks must have helped as this was the first time I had run at a lower elevation in a month. Excellent little speed work session. Afterwards it was good to chat with some new people , enjoy some pizza and a couple of free beers.
Anna coming back down off of the Falcon Trail |
Today I have done nothing at all. We head to Leadville tomorrow morning so I have just packed what I need for there and been icing my leg a little and watching crap American TV but it's got to be done. I think this is the first time I have watched the TV since I got here.
This will always be a runner best friend. Ice cold
and straight after another roasting day in Boulder. |
So tomorrow is Leadville and time to race prep and see what Kim needs/wants me and her crew to do on the race. I will be pacing Winfield to Twin(over Hope Pass 3700m) which is 10 miles then I have a break and John takes over for a section then I go again from Fish Hatch to the end which will be 23.5 miles. I am still super excited about being part of the race again this year and cannot wait to help Kim try and smash this course. We/she has no idea what to expect time wise. She just wants to finish. She may run a blinder and do under 25hrs or she may feel the pain of a 100 and I might have to get my arse in gear and get her back to the finish under the 30hrs. Either way I am going to have a great time feeling fresh on this course this year!
The awesome Red Rocks venue from the Falcon Trail |
The pace will most likely be slow so I am not worried about the distance(33.5miles , 53kms) but I will still need to eat properly and look after myself. I am going to be awake and crewing from 4am and I probably won't start pacing until 4pm so it's excellent training for me in the run up to Steamboat.
I will stick up a post just after the LT 100 to let everyone know how it went. Best of luck to Kim and everyone else running / crewing and pacing this year. Gona be a good one.
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