Friday, 19 December 2014

(Not quite) the best of both worlds

Well winter should arrive here in the Alps at some point we hope. We have had some dustings of snow but nothing major. It's looking a bit dry over the next week and we can only hope it really starts to dump it down at the end of the month.

Not enough snow to ski down so running down it is
I have been keeping quiet and just working. I have made a few trips up Grand Montets with Naila on my days off and it's been good to get on the skis. My new skimo set up is complete and what a difference it makes. The skis and boots are pretty damn light and makes life a lot easier on the way up and the downhill is actually decent as well. It's still going to take me a while to really get the technique down using this kind of gear but I will persist at it.

Naila heading up GM
Since we don't have a huge deal of snow I have been out running as well. The steep run up to Col Lachat behind my house is great fun however there is some snow plodding involved nearer the top which makes the descent on my slick trail shoes rather fun. I'm still loving getting out running right now but also ready to get the skiing into full swing and just sit the running aside for a couple of months but until winter decides to arrive I am quite enjoying having both options although there is a little too much snow for running up high and not enough for skiing! My running is still feeling really strong and my uphill strength is much better right now than on skis. I am still surprising myself at some of the climbs I am able to run/jog up here behind my house, It's going to take some time to get that strength back for next years races but I do hope all this Skimo helps a little with the transition in the spring from skis to trail shoes.

Pretty views from Skiing in the morning...
and more pretty views from running in the afternoon.
Unfortunately the Ice Trail Tarantaise is full next July so I am on the hunt for another race in France in mid July around the 65-80km mark if I am unable to get Tour des Fiz. My list for next year is as follows....

May 6th – Transvulcania 75km 4000m+(Canary Islands)

June 26th – Chamonix Vertical KM

July 26th - Tour des Fiz 61km – 5000m+(Haute Savoie , France) - Entries not yet open

August 22nd – Leadville 100(pacing 30+ miles)

September 6th – The Rut 50km 3000m+(Montana) – Entries open January

September 25-26th – The Bear 100miles - 7000m+(Utah)

As you can see I still need to wait on some entries to open but I will for sure try for the Tour des Fiz and The Rut. I would like to do another race early August around the 40km distance but nothing has sprung out at me except the Tromso Skyrace in Norway but I can't really see me making it to that due to work and also the cost as I will be travelling to the Canary Islands for Transvulcania and also my trip to Colorado , Utah and the drive up to the Rut in Montana is all going to add up. So as it stands I would like the above list to be the final one but it could change a little if I find a race early August in France.

Still happy to be running in the snow
So a short little update of what's been going on recently but really I am taking it a bit easy this month and then I will start to slowly increase the volume of my training once the new year arrives.

Monday, 8 December 2014

More Running and Summer 2015 Plans

Still no snow here in Chamonix so the running has continued and it's been pretty good. It's getting colder now and some snow is some point we hope.

I have been out for the odd run to and from work alongside the river but on days off I have been getting out on longer trips. Last week myself , Guillem and Laurent went for a fun outing up to the top of the Aiguilette des Houches , along to the Bellachat refuge then around back to Les Houches. 20km with 1300m of ascent. The following day was just an easy 10km loop I have from the house in Les Houches.

Aiguilette Des Houches - No idea what we were doing.
I have really been resting a lot in November but a few days ago I went on another excellent run this time with Naila and Laurent. We followed the same route as the Petit Tour Des Fiz. This was a brilliant loop of 30km with 2300m of ascent and involved lots of snow running. We had it all on the run , snow , sun , hot , very cold.... Great day running in an area so close to Chamonix I am kicking myself I have never been there before. In spring for sure I will be back.

There was lots of this
Amazing scenery
Chalets Anternne
So now to next year. Well I watched anxiously as both Hardrock and Western States were drawn at the same time live online but unfortunately my name never came out of the hat for either. Yeah I knew my chance were slim but I never lost hope of getting one of them. So after pondering just what to do next year and changing my race list god knows how many times I have made a decision. I will be travelling to do Transvulcania 73km in May then I will return to work most of the summer in Chamonix in order to save money for the USA again. I have entered the fun Vertical Km in Cham at the end of June. I am pretty sure I will then run the Ice Trail Tarantaise 65km in July but I need cash to register so if there are places come January I will do that. August will be spent training and exploring more of the Alps than I have done before then I will fly to Colorado and pace Kim at Leadville again at the end of the month. After Leadville I plan on spending most of September in the San Juans and at the end of the month my next 100 miler. I have entered The Bear 100 in Utah. I was considering not doing a 100 miler next summer but then again I do need another Western Qualifier and also another Hardrock to allow me two more years in the lottery. So I decided on The Bear. It is a point to point race starting from the small town of Logan and traversing over to Bear Lake in Idaho. I loved Utah when I visited and it will be nice to train in CO at altitude and then run a race pretty close by but in new surroundings. It has slightly more ascent than RRR and Leadville with 7000m of climbing. There are lots and lots of climbs in this one , way more than RRR or Leadville however my max elevation will be 9000ft so training in the San Juans at 11'000-14'000ft will be perfect I hope. It really does look a stunning course and all I have read on other blogs is so positive about it.

Approaching the top of the last Col with Mont Buet behind
Navigation time
Col Anternne , Mont Blanc shrouded in cloud behind
I will explain more about the summer races as the winter goes by but I am excited I now have a solid plan. It will be hard to not have a full 3 months to train(cash is needed) for this 100 but I will work a day less a week in the summer and have 3 solid training days a week and then I have 5 weeks before the race to properly get my head down with running and resting. In the meantime where the heck is all the snow!!???