Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Nearly Ski Time

It has been a long time since my last post and since then I really haven’t done a huge amount except work. To be quite honest I have been struggling to get motivated especially to go out running in the evenings now it is dark and cold! Yeah I know that sounds pathetic but after the entire summer of amazing running in perfect temperatures it is now starting to feel like winter again and the running gear is slowly creeping back into the cupboard and the skis are out.

I have managed a couple of decent sized runs around the valley but nothing more than 2 hours and in the evenings I am getting on the turbo trainer , which is the most boring thing ever but if I just stick on music I can usually blast out a good hour or hour and half a few times a week.
Last run up high this year. Lifts now closed until Skiing begins.
The great news is that the skis are out and have been used. I headed over to Switzerland with Graham , Ally and Robbie last week to get in some early season turns. We went over in the direction of the Grand St Bernard and skinned up for about an hour and a half going up about 800m. It had been snowing quite a bit and we found some lovely powder albeit with a few rocks here and there. It was great to get back out and find that I could still ski.

Excited to start my season in some nice fresh Powder

Ally showing us how it's done , we gave him first tracks after his
effort at putting in the skinnng track up.
Graham Lovin' it
It is still really cold at the moment in the mornings and in the evening but when the sun creeps out in the afternoons it is actually quite pleasant so if this keeps up then I may well get out running on lunch breaks but to be honest I just want it to snow again so the trail shoes can go away and I can start getting ski fit again. It has been the same old process for a couple of years now. Come December my legs and body suffers for a few weeks trying to get my ski fitness back and then come April/May I suffer for a few weeks getting my running legs back. I am going to try once or twice a week to do a couple of short evening runs over the season and when I say short I mean short like 30-40 mins max. Just to keep me ticking over. I am going to need to invest in some spike running shoes though and they don’t come cheap.